Whether you have a new born and you are venturing out on your first vacation with the little one, or you have several kiddos and just want to make sure you are prepared, there are plenty of things to consider before heading into one of Disney Worlds 4 theme parks. I have been going to Disney […]
His first home was an Airstream
I never imagined it this way. I never sat there dreaming about having a baby of my own one day and bringing him home to an Airstream. I usually pictured a meticulously decorated nursery that I had fussed over for the past 9 months until it was perfect. His name was on the wall in […]
Weekend in Ponce, Isla Caja de Muertos
Follow my blog with Bloglovin So the last few weeks were a little rough, there has been a lot on our plate and we have some big/life changing decisions to make in the imminent future. The stress was building, the walls were closing in and we needed space. So what do we do? We drove […]
The mommy diet
Today, I have been a victim of the mommy diet…. Don’t be fooled by the name, even though I have been deprived, by no means have I lost a pound or a single inch. The day starts off with good intentions; I sit down with a cup of deliciously rich, strong, black coffee and […]
6 tips for taking your baby to the beach
So the whole beach+baby thing is not exactly new to me. I jumped that great hurdle of motherhood with a less than 2 month old little guy and felt like I has conquered the world… or at least the beaches of Puerto Rico. Little did I know that the trips would get more and more […]