I’m not a runner… but I signed up for a half marathon!

So I have been reluctant to write this post… maybe even scared.
I am not entirely sure why but it probably had to do with not wanting anyone to hold me accountable if I gave up and quit. Tavis and I signed up to run a half marathon!! For some, that might not be a big deal. But for this girl who, at the time, was struggling to run one and a half miles…. this is a HUGE thing!!! Since we had a few months before the real training began we were able to slowly add miles each week. We officially started training in mid July and if you follow us on Instagram you are probably sick of seeing my post run, sweating my butt off pictures. But this is a BIG deal for me and I am slightly proud that I have made it this far so the picture are not going to stop any time soon. 😉

Easy Chicken N Dumplin’s

I am a sucker for a good bowl/plate of dumplin’s, with chicken or without, they are a one of my favorites. If I could only find a way to keep them from from effecting my waist line they might appear on my menu with a little more frequency… The great thing about this recipe if it […]

Corn Chowder with Bacon

This has been one of my favorite chowder/soup recipes since my mother in law first made it when I was over at their house a few years back.
After spending the summer up in the mountains on Pennsylvania where the high temperature is regularly 65-70 degrees and the lows in the 40’s I have been craving warm soups and warm wintery things… After all these are colder temps that we normally have in the winter!!
Now that we are turning the corner into Fall temperatures in most of the country I figured it would be a great time to share this new favorite of mine.

Raspberry Almond Coffeecake with Cream Cheese filling

This is an easy, delicious coffee cake that I started making right after Tavis and I were married. I was in the full on “homemaker” mode and trying to show off my skills.
As yummy and quick as this coffee cake was to throw together, combined with my other “homemaker” concoctions I was mixing up, I had to set this recipe aside when we started to remove white flour and sugar from our diet due to… clothes starting to not fit…
Last week I had this desire to revive this oldie but goodie right after Tavis and I finished a 5 mile run…

Basil Lime Margaritas

With Summer in full swing, I wanted to share a few delicious cocktails that my brother in law made for us a few weeks back. I am not that creative with drinks and tend to just stick to what I know, so it is always fun to go over to their house and taste a […]

My shopping list and free printable PDF download

Back at the beginning of this year I wrote this post about the changes I wanted to make and areas that I wanted to improve. Some of those things have happened… and a lot have not… One of the things that I have done is really work on cutting back on my grocery budget by […]

Keep Moving!

I have been using my UP MOVE tracker for almost a month now and I wanted to give y’all a little update on what I have liked and how it has worked for me. I have been logging more and more steps, but it has been challenging since we are currently living in our RV […]

Cooking in an Airstream kitchen and my favorite gadgets

So there are great and not so great aspects of cooking in an Airstream kitchen or cooking in any camper for that matter.

My favorite part is that I get to cook with a gas stovetop rather than the electric that I use at home. It has taken a little getting used to and adjusting but over all it is a lot more accurate and I am loving it!

The tough part is that the Airstream is so small, there are counter top and storage space challenges. I have one countertop space that is 2 feet wide by 2 and a half feet deep. That is it! If I am not cooking on the stove I can add a cutting board to the top of the stove to add a little space but it still isn’t much. I have 3 small drawers and one cabinet for kitchen items so space saving gadgets and appliances are a must!

Get Moving

Back at the beginning of the year I wrote this post about what I wanted to accomplish in 2015. You can check the article out if you want, but the main point was that I wanted specific goals so that I wouldn’t look back this December and ask, “what did I DO with this year?” […]

Basil Simple Syrup

Last week I shared a recipe for simple syrup that you can add to drinks, cocktails and use in other recipes. This week we are going to step our game up a few notches and make a simple syrup that is infused with basil. I was visiting my sister Alli and her family a few […]

How To Make Your Own Simple Syrup

Simple syrup is a common cocktail ingredient that you can purchase at a store but it is SOOO easy to make at home it seems kinda silly to buy it. I use it in my mojito recipe, sangria and many more drinks. Over the next few weeks I am going to be sharing a few […]

Ham and Cheese Egg Cups. Make ahead for a quick breakfast on the go!

Just this week we got word that Tavis’s job will be taking him (and Aiden and I will be tagging along) to Washington, DC for 4 months, and we leave in 4 days!!! More on that craziness soon… We will be taking the Airstream up to DC so we don’t have to live in a […]

Tips for flying with your infant or toddler

I (we) started flying with the little guy when he was 6 weeks old. I would have rather waited until he was a little older but we had no choice since we were moving to Puerto Rico for my husbands new job. For the two and a half years since then I have been flying with […]

Cuban Style Pork Roast

This is easily one of my favorite weeknight dinners. This was the recipe that my Cuban friend’s mom used to make her pork roast.  Her mother, my friend’s grandmother, was born and grew up in Cuba.  She fled to Florida soon after she was married, and brought with her a wealth of delicious recipes.  I […]

The Beach Trip That Almost Didn’t Happen

So I have been crazy busy lately… maybe not as busy as I feel but overwhelmed to say the least. Our friends, Shane and Jen invited us to join them down on the beach for a bonfire/grill out and I immediately agreed because we were wanting to get to the beach this weekend but hadn’t actually […]

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