I have been using my UP MOVE tracker for almost a month now and I wanted to give y’all a little update on what I have liked and how it has worked for me.
I have been logging more and more steps, but it has been challenging since we are currently living in our RV while we are in DC. My house is a 30ft x 8ft tube, so even getting up to walk to the bathroom or get a glass of water is only a couple feet away.
The UP MOVE tracker has forced me to be conscious of my movement, or lack thereof. That might mean taking a few laps around the inside of Target before I start my shopping, or parking at the back of the parking lot. Every little bit counts and I love checking in with the SmartCoach on my phone throughout the day to see how I am doing.
On the days that I can’t log a ton of walking or a run, I try to get outside and do a little workout on our patio while the little guy is sleeping.
I start the timer feature and then do my workout. The UP MOVE tracker keeps track of my movement during my timed workout and assigns a step value to it automatically. I usually do sets of lunges, squats, dips, pushups and whatever else I am feeling needs to be thrown in the mix that day, maybe even some sprints or burpees.
One of the biggest things that I have noticed over the past few weeks, is that I need to get more sleep and I LOVE that my UP MOVE tracker can tell me that!! For the most part I am up at 6am every day. I get up with Tavis and make coffee, get the little guy up and we walk out the door by 6:30 to drive Tavis to the Metro for his commute into DC. I can’t change our wake up time, so my only option is to get in bed sooner.
We tend to crawl into bed about 10pm, and in theory, we would get 8 hours of sleep… But we all know it doesn’t work that way. 10pm turns into 10:15 and then it takes 30 minutes to fall asleep… Out of the 3+weeks that I have been using the UP MOVE I have only gotten the full 8 hours 3 times, 3 TIMES!!
That is it!
Most nights it has been in the 6-6.5 hour range.
On those few nights I got 8 hours, or close to it, I have noticed a big change in my day and how I feel. If the UP MOVE has shown me anything, it is that I need to be aiming to crawl into bed by 9-9:30 in order to get enough sleep.
It is SOOO much easier to make positive changes in your routine when you know specifically where you are slipping up. For me it is bedtime. I have some early bedtime goals this week and can’t wait to see the overall effect on how I feel during the day.
Follow along with me on Instagram to get updates and see where my UP MOVE tracker and I are over the coming weeks and months!
This post was written in partnership with Jawbone and their UP MOVE tracker. All thoughts, experiences and stories are my own and authentic. I was compensated for this post and was given the UP Move tracker as part of that compensation. Please visit this page for my full disclosure policy.
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